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Results : 5 Media Items
Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINA Osvandré L. Lech, Prof., BRAZILArthroscopic Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATES Mario V. Larrain, MD, ARGENTINAArthroscopic AC Reconstruction Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATES Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESDiscussion Klaus Bak, MD, DENMARK Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINA Mario V. Larrain, MD, ARGENTINA Osvandré L. Lech, Prof., BRAZIL Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATES
Surgical Demonstration Video 2013 group rating (4)
Shoulder Glenohumeral Impingement Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Knee Bones Dislocation Trauma Instability
Open Distal Biceps Repair Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIA Alberto C. Pochini, MD, PhD, BRAZILArthroscopic Radial Head Excision Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALY Graham J.W. King, MD, CANADADiscussion Marc R. Safran, MD, Prof., UNITED STATES Gregory I. Bain, MBBS, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthoA, PhD, AUSTRALIA Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALY Alberto C. Pochini, MD, PhD, BRAZIL Graham J.W. King, MD, CANADA
Surgical Demonstration Video 2013 Not yet rated
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Tendon Tears Joints Osteoarthritis Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Sutures / Knots / Anchors Rupture Tendon Trauma
Arthroscopic Reconstruction with Bone Graft Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPAN GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALYArthroscopic Reconstruction with Bone Graft Discussion Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATES Hiroyuki Sugaya, MD, JAPAN GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALYSLAP Repair: New Techniques and Biomechanics W. Jaap Willems, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDS William B. Kibler, MD, UNITED STATESSLAP Repair: New Techniques and Biomechanics Discussion Philippe P. Hardy, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE W. Jaap Willems, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDS William B. Kibler, MD, UNITED STATESBiceps Tenodesis Klaus Bak, MD, DENMARK Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESBiceps Tenodesis Discussion Tom Clement Ludvigsen, MD, NORWAY Klaus Bak, MD, DENMARK Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Glenohumeral Arthroscopy Bones Dislocation Physical Examination Impingement Instability Posterior Pain MRI
Patellofemoral Instability Pieter J. Erasmus, MBChB, MMed, FCS(Orth), SOUTH AFRICA Andrew A. Amis, FREng, DSc, PhD, UNITED KINGDOM Myles R. J. Coolican, FRACS, AUSTRALIA Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATESPatellofemoral Instability David H. Dejour, MD, FRANCE Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE Pieter J. Erasmus, MBChB, MMed, FCS(Orth), SOUTH AFRICADouble Bundle ACL Reconstruction Freddie H. Fu, MD, UNITED STATES Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Constance R. Chu, MD, UNITED STATES Stewart J. Walsh, FRACS, NEW ZEALAND Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPANExtraarticular Reconstruction Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATES Andy Williams, MBBS, FRCS(Orth), FFSEM(UK), UNITED KINGDOM Mark G. Clatworthy, FRACS, NEW ZEALAND Christopher A. Dodd, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMMeniscal Root Tear Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATES
Surgical Demonstration Video 2013 group rating (1)
Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Instability ACL Meniscus Tears Double Bundle
Surgical Demonstration Video 2013 rating (2)
Sion Glyn-Jones, Prof. MA, MBBS, MRCS, FRCS (Trauma & Ortho), DPhil, UNITED KINGDOM Thomas G. Sampson, MD, UNITED STATES Omer Mei-Dan, MD, UNITED STATES
Hip / Groin / Thigh Bones Capsuloligamentous Complex Cartilage Tendon Labrum Dislocation Osteoarthritis Impingement Instability